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Company Registration in Dubai

The choice was made and you finally decided to move into the UAE and now are you thinking how will work my company registration in Dubai? Move abroad your business, or a branch of it, opening new perspectives for visibility and new marketplaces, dominating your expertise’s area from one of the most interesting and lively places for companies and businesses could be overwhelming and sometimes you are seeking for help, especially with your company registration in Dubai.

Company Registration in Dubai

According to the American company’s “Resonance Consultancy” report, in which they analyze specifically the top best city to live in 2020, Abu Dhabi and Dubai were included in the top 10 (Dubai on 6th place from previous 9th place). Abu Dhabi was chosen for the People (that’s one of the six topics used in the list), the Promotion and the Place itself. But Dubai nonetheless had a stronger evaluation for the future-forward growing business scene, it is the most socially liberal and religiously open city of all the UAE. That’s why was also chosen as the 1st best city in the Middle East and Africa, escalating a rich top 10 of the best city in the world. Enough reasons for your company registration in Dubai? On top of that, if you like cars and driving, Dubai is the second-best city for driving across the globe. Its high score was due to its safety, lowest petrol and tax costs, air and road quality and quite no congestion. If you like engines and cars are more than welcome to fill up your company registration in Dubai. Dubai, with its gigantic skyscraper and the multitude of different companies and businesses growing up, let you exchange an infinitely wide range of possibilities and ideas, and the professional invitation to the correspondent set up for a perfect business is just a few steps away. If you have chosen already to move your business here, you already encountered the renown kindness and professionality of the people and societies here in the UAE. Is not a case that business is growing at a high rate in this developing land. Thanks to companies as Kaper that help new investors and fresh starts in Dubai, delivering the perfect services suited for every kind of business there will be no doubts about your company registration in Dubai. It could be scary and stressful just thinking about the plan that leads to company registration in Dubai. Trying to set up a new start on a growing platform is always a challenging task. That’s why it needs an independent and resilient team that could help you set your first step into the city, so you could relax and enjoy one of the best city in 2020, leaving everything related to your company registration in Dubai in good hands. Granted by over 10 years of experience dealing with the business settlement and Government registrations, Kaper is the right partner for you. According to your business’s needs, Kaper will help you out with everything related with your company registration in Dubai. Here in our specific, we exposed the different aspects of the process in a wider overview to point out how Kaper will support you in the process and what you could expect from your company registration in Dubai.

Residence Permit in Dubai

Live in Dubai is easy and everyday life is one of the most comfortable in the world, but the regulations for the residence permit are pretty straight. If you need a residence permit for your company, the employees or your family, Kaper will do it for you in a fast and privacy-safe way. In the UAE there are different grounds for an application of a residence permit in Dubai, some of this include: -to be employed in the UAE -to be a shareholder of a company in the UAE -to Have purchased a real estate ( value must be not less than 1M AED, circa 270.000 US$) To notice that the purchase of real estate grants the right to live in the country, but do not include the permission to work in the country. When needed it is possible to request a Labor Card (needs a signed employment contract). The acquisition allows also to open a bank account speeding up the process of your company registration in Dubai.

No limits on the number of visas

Visa is always a scary world to deal with, in the UAE, as in other countries, there are several different kinds of visas to deal with:
-Tourist Visa
-Transit/Stopover Visa
-Service Visa
-Work Visa
-Visit Visa
-Special Visa long-term for professionals category
Naturally, if you want to visit the UAE beforehand you will need one of the touristic/transit/visit visa, they differ from each other and are divided in duration (14/30/60/90 Days). Usually are chained to Tour operator or hotel booking.
If you plan to proceed with your company registration in Dubai, you’ll need the specific Visa according to your case. You’ll just need your passport and Kaper will solve this task for you, while you are tasting some international food in one of the Rooftop restaurants on the taller skyscraper.

More business activities available for licensing

The activities’ panorama in the UAE is wide and all-embracing, but Licenses are another intricate step that will need the support of a professional team. Some of the business activity you could request for licensing include:
-Architectural and engineering activities
-Road transport activities
-Oil-related service
-Legal activities
Each one of this activity belongs for the licensing to different authorities (H.H: The Ruler’s Court, Dubai Municipality, Road and Transport Authority, etc) and is regulated by different department (Commercial Activities Department, Licensing Department, Building Department, Etc).
Is important to know that some other economic activities could be not dependant on activity type or legal form and are usually regulated by the DED or a similar institution, but that will not have any issues with your company registration in Dubai. Kaper, with its thousand businesses supported, can properly advise you on the correct path to fulfil your requested activities and start your business in Dubai.

No deposit required

For any employment or dependents visa registration there is no required deposit. So you don’t have to block any capital or funds that you will need in the delicate beginning phases of your company registration in Dubai. Kaper can provide all the details you need regarding any of the specifications regarding each of the steps needed to help you develop your business.

100% Own of your business

Since May 2018, thanks to the Cabinet meeting decision (and its chair Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum), is allowed in the UAE the 100% foreign ownership of companies, that translated itself in the huge boost of new flourishing company registration in Dubai and all the UAE. Kaper will provide you with all the specific documents and procedures you need to start your foreign company and own it at 100% while exploiting this marvellous incentive that was previously only restrained to the companies operating in the free zone (where a 51% partnership with a local company was needed).

100% Tax exemption

Saud Salim Al Mazrouei (Director of Hamriyah Free Zone Authority and Sharjah Airport International Free Zone Authority) said that “The free zone is always investing in developing its infrastructure and introducing innovative services that meet the growing and ever-changing needs of investors”. One of the most attractive ideas: corporate or personal taxation exempted to 100%. Kaper is an expert in dealing with businesses and will carefully explain how to deal with your origin’s country taxation and how to ground your tax exemption here in Dubai.

Trade-in GCC

The Gulf Co-operation Council has analyzed Trade and Investment Flows in the GCC in a report (owned by The Economist and Intelligence Unit). In this report, it highlighted that UAE and Qatar are “the most outward-oriented members of the GCC”. Dubai then is the right starting point to grow your business and strengthening business tied with all the GCC countries and the countries that are already strongly tied with the GCC, for example, China planned to be the biggest export market in 2020. This year is the perfect time to conclude your company registration in Dubai. Kaper can plan with you all the necessary connection to let your business be successful and worldwide known.

Open bank account

Investment and capitalization need a bank account and to simplify all the procedure you will need for your company registration in Dubai is a necessary step, especially if you want to speed up the process. The banks in Dubai are different from the European banks, the very inexpensive fee and the low tariffs on banking services grant the biggest difference, adding loyalty to clients and the reputation of being among the most reliable jurisdictions in the world. Kaper will open your bank account in the 24 hours next to your request and will provide you with the open account in a couple of days maximum (that’s usually the time needed, for some rare cases could need a day or two more). Experience the turnkey of a reliable Dubai’s bank combined with the renown Kaper’s efficiency

Freehold Real Estate

Dubai was the first city in the UAE that opened to freehold Real Estate, starting a trending that leads to the new frontiers of real estate in the UAE. Since 2001 the Dubai government allowed ex-pats to have a 99-year lease of particular Dubai Property, but just one year later, May 2002, a decree allowed foreigners to buy, on freehold ownership, properties. Are you still thinking about your company registration in Dubai? If you still have questions or doubts don’t hesitate to contact Kaper. On the home page, you can easily use the chat on the right side or sitting comfortably to your sofa and directly get in touch through your WhatsApp, opening the wide new horizon that UAE and especially Dubai is preparing for you.
