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Establishing companies in Dubai

An epiphany suddenly crossed your mind and it is a significant turnaround. You have finally decided that you want to put up a establish a business in Dubai this is a game-changing moment in your life. You have to act and decide the soonest time. Will it be easy to have a company established in Dubai? Will you be able to handle the stress of owning up your own business? What business should it be? How about the company establishment cost?
Establishing companies You will ask yourself many times, over and over again. Putting up a business requires effort, preparation, and planning. You need to have a foundation first when putting up a business, there are plenty of things to consider so, doing some research is a must. First, what business are you planning to put up? Is there a need for your anticipated service or product? Who will be needing your services/product (will answer the question on who will you cater to), are there other companies with the same services? How about the competition; is there a strong competition in the location you are putting up your business? How will you run your business? Will, it fit the market? These questions are just some questions you need some answers to. Planning, you need a plan first to start your business. This is like a guideline for you from the start-up planning up to the business establishment, even up to the operation and growth of your business. Funding. Do you have the funds to start your business? Where are you going to take out funds? If there is an investor who will be willing to help you with funding then there is no need for bank funding, bank loan and such. Though some banks are willing to lend you a certain amount of money, sometimes it is not enough to start up your business.

Establishing companies in Dubai

Planning your finances is a must, it is not just about having money enough to put up your business but also that the money should cover exceeding expenses such as when the business is already up and running. There should be enough funds to cover overhead expenses. Although some business doesn’t need you to have a lot of money for a start-up there should be enough funds up until you are making a profit from your business. Anticipating all upcoming expenses is a must, from rent, equipment, licenses, and permits. Many additional costs in business will surely come up especially in its first year of operation. Choosing your business structure Will you be a sole proprietor or will you take a business partner to help you? There is an advantage to solely owning the business such as having complete control of the business, less reporting required, profit will be yours alone. While in business partnership there are more funds available, someone is helping you with the decision making. This needs to be planned very well. Then there is choosing a business name as well as registering it. Thinking of your business name would take much effort because you will be needing a name that people will easily remember, should be memorable, and easy to pronounce. Registering your business name also takes time and effort to do so. Licensing and Permits should be completed as well so that you will not encounter any difficulties as you operate your business, there are strict steps to follow to ensure that business owners have their legal licenses and permits in place.

Establishing a company in Dubai

Now, you are planning to establish a company in Dubai. Businesses in Dubai are booming. Mainly because Dubai (UAE) is an investor-friendly country where putting up a business is easy and the process is less tedious. They welcome investors, entrepreneurs and the like. It shouldn’t take a long time to secure all the permits and legal stuff. One more positive thing about Dubai is its cost of living being one of the lowest there is. Dubai also has a great strategic location, business-wise. They also have a talented workforce, advanced technology, and infrastructures, not to mention great safety and security. Hence, there is no difficulty establishing a company in Dubai. Consequently, Dubai has no limit on the number of visas. There are more business activities to choose from that is available for licensing, they do not require a deposit, there is 100% ownership of the business, you get to have a 100% tax exemption and you are allowed to open bank accounts. This country has become so competitive business-wise that many people or nationality would like to be a part of its progress. There are three types of business set up available in Dubai. One is On-shore companies where these companies need to have a National or a Local to have a share in the company. Second, are called Free zone companies where a foreign national can fully own the company. The free zone area in Dubai is established basically for this purpose. Third, are the offshore companies where full foreign ownership is also allowed basically for investment purposes. Establishing companies Dubai also has a distinct process without going through any bureaucracy as they make sure that everything is set in its legality. They make sure that all things are stable, free of fraud and simple, so to attract investors. With UAE’s booming industry, left and right. Here is some business that is flourishing in Dubai; one is Information Technology, there is advertising, eCommerce, Clothing and apparel, also there is food import and export and logistics, just to name a few. But how sure are you that you can take care of all the details when you establish your company in Dubai? From the biggest to smallest details. You need a company that will be able to assist you along the way, to take care of the nitty-gritty aspect of putting up the business. Here are some problems that may arise in company establishment. Dealing with regulations and permits, creating a legal team, hiring employees, finding a new office, protecting your business from imitations, having to deliver the best customer service, and lastly the business’ need to evolve and improve throughout the years. Hence, the need to take the services of a business consulting company.

Founding companies

Now, let me introduce to you “KAPER”, we are a well-known business consulting company that has been in operation in Dubai for many years. We have helped hundreds with their company set up and formation, with our clear pricing. We have vast specialties that make us the best in the business. We will deal with the complications of putting up a business and will help you to have a smooth set-up. Just allowing us to take care of everything up to the small details will be a big help, since we have a team of professionals, all ready and willing to answer your questions and inquiries. With several years of experience we have, you will feel fully supported and backed by Kaper. What can we do for you? Kaper can help you get a residence permit to live in Dubai, if you have finally decided to live in Dubai and establish your own business at the same time, then fret no more cause here is our company who will be able to help you throughout. Kaper will help with establishing your company in Dubai, will assist with licensing and registration. In licensing and registration, you need to have an approved trade name before you can get ahead with the company set up. Since licensing and registration are a simultaneous process, there is a need to get all the approvals first from the government body where of course Kaper will help you with.

Companies establishment

Also, there is a need for you to have a local partner or a sponsor if you are a foreign entrepreneur, again, the help of Kaper with this will be crucial. There are a lot of demanding steps to follow before you can say that you already have a company established in Dubai. There is also the issue of getting external approvals, needing to draft a memorandum of association, not to mention renting an office or finding one that will suit your business. Lastly, you need to have your business license first so you can operate the business. Other consulting companies in Dubai will also be able to help you but they do not extend the same personalized, excellent service that Kaper has. Not to mention the easy company establishment cost that we offer to our clients, you truly are getting your money’s worth at the same time. Since we already have vast experience in being the front liner of those who want to own a business- meaning, Kaper is the one taking care of all the paperwork to fulfill your dream. From the initial step to the final step, there is in putting up a business, Kaper will back you up. Living the dream is easy so long as you have Kaper to help you every step of the way. We know the ins and outs of putting up a business. Since we have been in the business, we know the trend in company establishment in Dubai not to mention the legalities.

Establishing a company in the Emirates

An idea of a business is easy, but taking that into full effect and putting it in operation is another thing. Just think about having your own business, it is yours. You are the boss making decisions, you are the sole deciding factor (if you are the sole owner), you have a say in everything that pertains to your business. But just to state a point, you are not alone in making it a reality. You have Kaper to help you deal with the side “difficulties” as others may call it. These things should be something you can look forward to when you get the services of Kaper. Again, let Kaper help you with starting up your business. Our services include the following: Company set up
we will assist you in license issuance, help you in acquiring permits, visa assistance, and more. Government paper works and procedures
government-related requirements to start up a business Assist in Securing a business partnership with a local
we will help you in finding a trustworthy partner or sponsor who is a local. Documentation/Paperworks
we will help you to complete documentation, to fill out proper forms needed to set up your business, answer your questions if you are having difficulty with some small details in filling up the paperwork. Banking
we will assist you with your banking needs and opening an account for your business. Establishing companies
Why do you need Kaper to help you in establishing a company in Dubai?
We have the experience, the know-all, professionalism, and well-rounded knowledge to tackle the issues in setting up businesses. Kaper can also assist you in dealing with the language barrier or difference in culture, we are knowledgeable of the laws, helping you with business know-how that you may not be aware of in a foreign country. Kaper also moves fast and takes care of things for you the quickest, since we have the trust of different agencies because we have the best reputation to back us up. There is no issue or fear that your needed licenses and permits will be rejected, or you will be left out in the dark wondering what happened to your business permits and licenses.
Kaper can also give you an idea of the competition that exists in the market you are planning to enter into, how you can make your business stand out from the rest and not just be another business that exists. Since our services are personalized, everything is custom made for you. Having us as your ally surely will be easier for you time and money wise because you don’t have to worry about someone else taking care of your business. Meaning, it is a mutual trust as well. Kaper is in it for the long term, meaning we will collaborate with you from scratch to see things through, make a common goal, and reach that goal for you.

Incorporation of a company

Other related services that may legally help you in the pursuance of your dream to own your business. For business consultation, you may contact us via email or phone as well as via the Whatsapp messaging and easily book an appointment with us at the time that best suits you. Be sure to have the needed documents ready for the fast processing of requests.
